Friday, November 1, 2013

The Real Anemone~

Hello Everyone~
Hope you all had a great Halloween! I didn't end up going trick or treating but I did go to a few parties which was tons of fun! I was seriously so exhausted afterwards that I slept for 12 hours! I woke up a zombie XD
Other fun stuff is that I'm moving in less that 2 weeks! It's coming so fast! Sadly I can only take Evra Von my little snake and my kitty stays with my parents </3 I've also been working on Hula Hooping. You may say "Okay, you've been hula hooping, so what?" But I've got some awesome tricks that I'm learning to do with some epic nerdy music! Yay!
My room mates are super nerdy and full of adventurous spirit! So there will be a lot more vlogs of our nerdy adventures! I am however moving further from Aggroe :( Not too far though! It'll all be well!

So since it's the beginning of a new month I thought it would be fun to to a geeky 30 day challenge! So lets see how far I can get with this thing! :D

Day 1: 5 things about yourself!
1. I love nerdy T-shirts and over sized shirts/sweaters.
2. I scare easily and it's hard for me to play horror games.
3. Monster Girl Quest and Alice: Madness Returns are my favorite games.
4. I've seen Boku no Pico and the first thing I said while watching it was "USE THE CACTUS!"
5. I'm currently listening to Sleeping with Sirens and wearing an XL Amazing Spiderman shirt.

So there you are! If you want to join in and share 5 things about yourself then please do! :D
Anemone <3

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